Thursday, April 25, 2013

Obama's War on Reality

Language is the key to public perceptions. According to Tea Party Tribune blogger Mr. Curmudgeon, the President of the United States, as evidenced by his initial statement following the Boston Marathon bombing,  is fostering illusions for his own purposes.

President Obama is at war; not with terrorism but the average American’s perception of reality. Using the royal “We,” Obama insists federal, state and local police agencies are the sole and relentless gatherers of “facts.” That criminal courts, not the thinking public, are exclusively suited to discern these facts and render non-conclusion-jumping judgments, using their supernatural ability to divine the “motivations of these [jihadist] individuals.”

Obama’s assumption, then, is that truth is the sole domain of Washington’s ruling class, disseminated by the high, holy councils of authority to the unwashed masses below.

Terrorism, government-run health care, high unemployment, a contracting economy and the erosion of individual liberty, say the president and his supporters, are simple matters of perception … their perception. Those whose thinking deviates from the authoritarian hold of officially sanctioned reality are considered dangerous and outside the mainstream – extremists even.

Read more.  --Posted on Tea Party Unity on April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombings and Obama's Phantom War on Terrorism

Tea Party Unity steering committee member Don Feder pulls no punches. In the following column, he takes an unvarnished look at the politics and media surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings and other incidents.

Barack Obama promised to get to the bottom of the latest terrorist incident – or his middle name isn't Hussein. Secretary of State John Kerry called the bombing in his hometown "simply unacceptable." (Hey, it worked with North Korea's nuclear program, didn't it?). Senator Dianne Feinstein says she's preparing a bill to ban large-capacity pressure cookers. (Really, do civilians need them?) Hillary blamed an Internet video mocking Muhammad for the carnage. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano deplored the "man-caused disaster" and DHS has begun rounding up the usual Christian suspects.

I thought of these possible headlines on Monday, while contemplating the "horrific act of violence" (in media-speak) about 20 miles from my home. What do we know about the Boston Marathon bombings and Obama's phantom war on terrorism?

       1. The date was significant. April 15 is the day Boston celebrates the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which marked the start of America's struggle for nationhood. It's also Israel's Independence Day. Muslim terrorists like to attack on dates with symbolic significance. (The Benghazi attack occurred on the anniversary of 9-11.) Would it be so surprising if they struck on a day special for the two nations they hate most in the world?

Posted on on April 18, 2013.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Why Tea Parties Are Skeptical about Establishment Republicans

Fisker Automotive, a “green” electric car company that absorbed $529 million in taxpayer subsidies, is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy. Like Solyndra and other pork-laden companies before it, Fisker has made tax dollars vanish and laid off the majority of its employees.

In a revealing posting on TeaPartyTribune, “Obama, Electric Cars, Crony Capitalists and Establishment Republicans,” the blogger who goes by the name of Mr. Curmudgeon explores the story behind the story, which is the GOP establishment’s co-dependency in such ventures. 

Here’s an excerpt that wraps up the piece. For the full article, go to the end and click.

For far too long, the Tea Party has focused much of its ire on the person of Barack Hussein Obama. Whether it’s the debt ceiling, high taxes, expanding federal power or sweetheart deals showered on crony capitalists, establishment Republicans have been Obama’s ever loyal and constant companions. These same Republicans were furious when Mike Castle lost to Christine O’Donnell in 2010, denying them a possible majority in the Senate.

Castle’s good friend and Fox News political analyst Karl Rove had kittens the night of O’Donnell’s victory. “I’ve met her,” said Rove to Fox host Sean Hannity, “I wasn’t frankly impressed by her abilities as a candidate. One thing that O’Donnell is now going to have to answer in the general election that she didn’t in the primary is her own checkered background.”

By all means, let’s examine the issue of checkered backgrounds. Republicans had majorities in both houses of Congress from 1994 through 2006. Did they use that majority to stop the explosive growth of government? No. Was the strength of their majority employed to stop the Government-

Sponsored Enterprises Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae from infecting the global financial system with tainted mortgage-backed securities? No. Did they at any time attempt to reign in the Federal Reserve’s dangerous credit expansion that fueled America’s unsustainable housing bubble? No. The reason? Republicans like Mike Castle.

Castle happily wrote letters to Obama’s spendthrift Department of Energy to bring Delaware some green-energy bacon. He didn’t care that the underlying purpose of the enterprise was to reward Obama’s fundraisers at the taxpayer’s expense.

As the battle lines begin to form heading into the 2014 midterm elections, I want you to think of establishment Republicans as used electric car salesmen. They’ll smile, take you for a test drive, tell you to kick the tires and then ask you to sign on the dotted line. Don’t. It’s long past time we threw out the establishment bums. All of them.

Their continued success is Obama’s continued success. If you want to defeat President Obama’s agenda, you need to pull the plug on the political careers of the GOP’s worthless establishment lemons.

The thought of an establishment Republican shellacking at the hands of the Tea Party is, well, electrifying. 

Click here for full article.

Posted by Robert Knight on  April 12, 2013