Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Black Leaders Speak Against Gun Control

Gun laws were originally created to keep black people down, and such laws threaten black families’ ability today to defend themselves and their property, said a group of black leaders who spoke on Capitol Hill recently against President Obama’s gun control plan.

"I believe that it is our duty to stand together and challenge the proposals currently on the table in the Senate, which invoke painful memories of Jim Crow laws and black codes," said Star Parker, founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), which hosted the gathering at the National Press Club on Feb. 22. "Black history is rife with government demands for background checks in order to qualify for constitutional rights.  All Americans should be concerned."

Harry C. Alford, CEO of the Black Chamber of Commerce, began by saying, “I want to thank the Lord for our Constitution. I also want to thank the NRA for its legacy. The National Rifle Association was founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan.”

“Gun control, for black Americans, we know, has been about people control,” said Niger Innis of the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE). “It springs from racist soil,” he said, noting that part of the reason that the Supreme Court in the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision denied the equal humanity of African-Americans was so that their right to bear firearms would not be protected under the Second Amendment.

William Owens, Jr., founder of God, Guns and the Constitution, said that the Obama Administration’s gun control plan is part of an “anti-American” agenda. “When you touch the Second Amendment, you can’t become more anti-American, because America would not be, without her guns. And guns would not be necessary without her God.  … Without God, without guns, and without the Constitution, America’s end will come with haste. For when they change our Constitution, they will take our guns, and they will also seek to take our God. That’s when Americans will fight back.”
To see a video of the press conference, click here. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

John Doe, ACLU Lose Ten Commandments Case

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has lost its six-year campaign to tear down a Ten Commandments monument at the Dixie County, Florida courthouse.  

They’ve even lost their usual extortion money for harassing a community.

The case fell apart after the plaintiff, an anonymous North Carolina man who had planned to come to Dixie County to live in his RV, decided not to move there after all.

Senior U.S. District Judge Maurice M. Paul dismissed the case without prejudice on Feb. 13, because the plaintiff lacked standing. The ACLU could re-file if an actual resident is willing to buck the strong tide of sentiment in the county.  

For now, Mr. “‘Heel on Wheels” [not his actual nickname] has sunk the ship.

In February 2007, the ACLU filed a lawsuit naming “John Doe” as the plaintiff.  Judge Paul ruled in 2011 that the monument was an establishment of religion, and awarded $130,000 in legal fees to the ACLU, which had tried to finger the taxpayers for $160,000.  He then stayed his order, and was reversed by the 11th Circuit. When the plaintiff pulled out, it blew up the whole thing, including the ACLU’s award of legal fees.

Harry Mihet, an attorney at Liberty Counsel, which represented Dixie County, found the outcome pleasing:  “We went from an order that ‘the monument goes and you have to pay $130,000 to the ACLU,’ to ‘the monument stays, and the ACLU has to pay a total of $3, 600,’” Mr. Mihet told me.

For the 75-year-old “John Doe,” the dismissal’s bright spot is that he won’t have to leave North Carolina’s barbecue country for less certain barbecue conditions in Florida.  He made the decision not to move upon learning that his identity would be revealed if the case proceeded. The initial ruling had triggered a pro-monument rally of 1,500 in nearby Cross City, whose population is 1,700, according to So far, the ACLU has not insisted that Cross City change its name.

Mr. “Doe” apparently figured, according to the ACLU, that his new neighbors would welcome him not with their own version of home-cooked barbecue but with something a little stronger. No word on whether the good citizens of Dixie County will countersue for defamation, claiming that “John Doe” and the ACLU have slyly caricatured them as violent half wits right out of the movie “Deliverance.”

“The ACLU got caught with its hands in the constitutional cookie jar,” Mr. Mihet said in a press release. “In getting kicked out of court, the ACLU has learned that it cannot impose its San Francisco values upon a small town in Florida, using a phantom member from North Carolina.”

Liberty Counsel argued that not only did the plaintiff lack standing but that “the case presents a Free Speech, not an Establishment Clause, issue. The Open Forum policy allows private citizens to erect private historical displays at their own expense.”

The five-foot-tall 12,000-pound monument was erected at the top of the courthouse steps in 2006 after Joe Anderson Jr., chairman and founder of Lake City-based road builder Anderson Columbia, purchased it for $20,000. 

Joe Anderson is another story. He’s not only funded several other Ten Commandments monuments in Florida, but also a “revival” mobile display.  It’s parked somewhere until legal threats arise, and then it takes off down the road. “He’s having some fun with the ACLU,” Mr. Mihet said. 

“We’re just getting started,” Mr. Anderson, 73, said on Friday, noting that he had several requests from other counties to erect Ten Commandment monuments. “We got a bunch of them up right now, already built, ready to go.” 
--Robert Knight in The Washington Times  Feb. 25, 2013 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

God's Prescription for Gun Control

Delivered by Rick Scarborough to the South Jersey Tea Party, on February 5, 2013

I want to try to interject some reasoning on this subject that few people today seem to be discussing.
Everyone who has a microphone these days seems to ignore the natural instincts that God gave to every human being. Our forefathers often spoke of Natural Law….Laws that were put in place by God….not man.
It was upon that Higher Law that laid the foundation for our Nation.
All men have natural instincts. Some for good and some for bad. Our founders understood man's inclinations for good as well as evil and built into the framework of our Constitution protections for the good and prohibitions for the evil.
They understood that government was but a tool. Placed in the hands of good men it is a tool for righteousness. That's why the Scripture says the following to us all:
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is a servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subject, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience."
The presupposition of that passage is that government officials will reward good behavior and punish evil behavior.
But what if the tool of government is controlled by evil men? What if they reward evil and punish good? Then you no longer have government, but rather tyranny.
Good men reward good and punish evil, but when evil men control the levers of power, they have an awesome tool for tyranny.
Pastors often say that we should allow evil to run its course and hasten the coming of our Lord.
But I say, show me a government devoid of Christian influence that has not used its awesome power to promote evil.
I offer as evidence the following leaders: Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Paul Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro….all used the power of government to reward evil and punish good, murdering millions of their citizens. And their first targets were the pastors, so pastors have a vested interest in promoting good government and electing morally upright candidates.
It is often said that guns don't kill people, people do. That is true!
Why do we even have guns? Who invented guns and refined guns? They didn't just drop out of heaven or rise up out of hell.
Why were they invented?
Let's give some thought to that question:
Every living thing has a natural instinct of self-preservation. And every female member of the animal species innately protects their offspring in some fashion.
Try to take a cub from a she bear. Or separate a calf from its docile and domesticated mother cow.
Instincts kick in and the animal will stop at nothing short of death to protect their offspring.
Humans are the same…innately. In ancient history, wild beasts often were superior physically to human beings, and consequently they were a constant threat to humans. In order to survive in very wild environments, humans with superior intellects to other members of the animal kingdom, devised methods of leveling the playing field.
So man, in order to protect himself from the lion or the bear, developed weapons…first a spear or an arrow or a club.
Over time the weapons became more sophisticated…eventually using advanced technologies to invent rudimentary firearms…then repeating firearms…with more and more sophistication….leading finally to an arms race to see who could devise the most effective and efficient way of killing the most people.
Because men have good inclinations and evil inclinations…guns can be used for very good reasons and very bad reasons.
Man instinctively knows that he has an obligation to protect himself and his family. Our founders referred to such instincts as inalienable rights granted by our Creator.
They realized the potential that government possesses, for good and for bad, so they carefully defined the role that government would play in the life of the new nation.
And the Constitution was designed to restrain the power of the Federal government.
The second Amendment to the Federal Constitution, part of what became known as the Bill of Rights for you and me….states that:
…A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The Federal government has no authority to infringe on my right to keep and bear arms. Instead of seeking to control guns, it should do its job and seek ways to control evil.
How about sane and rational discussions on policies that seek to honor Biblical marriage, strong and intact families with both a father and a mother in the home, curbing violence in video games and movies, incentivizing moral behavior while prosecuting and punishing to the fullest, violent criminals.

But that's too reasonable…. Instead, the Federal Government is seeking to pass laws that do nothing BUT infringe on law-abiding citizens rights to keep and bear arms…while using the power of the purse to render existing guns useless….
Have you sought to buy ammunition for your guns lately?
According to Glenn Beck's Blaze Online Magazine:
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has awarded defense contractor ATK with an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement for .40 caliber hollow point ammunition. According to an official ATK press release, U.S. agents will receive a maximum of 450 million rounds over a five-year period.
The following is an excerpt from the press release:
"We are proud to extend our track record as the prime supplier of .40 caliber duty ammunition for DHS, ICE," said Ron Johnson, President of ATK's Security and Sporting group."
This is not the first time DHS has placed such an order, however. In 2009, it signed a contract with Winchester for the procurement of 200 million hollow points.
The decreased retail availability for hollow points drives up demand, and hence the price for such ammunition. Whether the consequence is an intended one or not, remains to be seen, but the effect is that ammunition is getting too expensive for some gun owners to buy.
If Americans in mass do not stand up now and defend the Constitution and especially the Second Amendment, future generations may not have the right to bear arms at all.
God gave man the wisdom and ingenuity to create guns. He will also provided the wisdom to use them properly, if man will first acknowledge Him and then practice the morality that is included in God's word.
How about this for gun control?
  1. Thou shall be free to own weapons! Second Amendment to the Constitution.
  2. Thou shalt not murder! Sixth of God's Ten Commandments.

That's God's gun control. And government cannot beat that!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Exposing the Real Costs of ObamaCare

With the U.S. Supreme Court failing in June 2012 to stop the unconstitutional imposition of ObamaCare on the nation, it’s important to keep everyone abreast of the lies that are being exposed as the system creaks into operation.
In a Feb. 1, 2013 Wall Street Journal article, Daniel P. Kessler, a business professor at Stanford University and Hoover Institution senior fellow, explained how the law’s effects are different from what was promised. “Every one of the main claims made for the law is turning out to be false,” says the subhead line on the article, “ObamaCare’s Broken Promises.”
Here the claims and the current reality. ObamaCare supposedly would:
  • Reduce the federal deficit.  “In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the cost of per year of expanding coverage at $154 billion; by 2012, the estimated cost grew to $186 billion. Yet the CBO still scores the law as reducing the deficit. How can this be?”  Kessler explains that estimated revenues are rising, with the money coming from lower Medicare payment rates. Congress was supposed to impose Medicare cuts, but refuses to do so.  Hence, the savings are in the “pretend” realm.
  • Allow everyone to “keep your insurance.”  Barack Obama himself famously made this claim, which Kessler says “is obviously false.”  According to a Kaiser survey, the percentage of employees in high-deductible plans rose to 19 percent from 13 percent in 2010.  Also, in 2010, the CBO estimated that employer-sponsored insurance would “decline by three million people in 2019; by 2012, CBO’s estimate had doubled to six million.”
  • Reduce unemployment and increase productivity.  “According to [the president’s Council of Economic Advisors in 2009], health reform would reduce unemployment, raise labor supply and improve the functioning of labor markets….reduce absenteeism, disability and mortality, thereby encouraging and enabling work.”  According to CNSNews, “During President Barack Obama’s first term, the number of Americans collecting federal disability insurance increased by 1,385,418 to a record 8,827,795.”
Unemployment is still hovering just under 8 percent, which is about where it was when Obama took office. Meanwhile, companies like the Darden restaurant chain are shedding full-time employees, giving them 30 hours or less so they don’t have to pay for skyrocketing mandated health benefit costs.

The only good news here is that the onerous effects are being felt more widely, which could generate eventual political support for repealing all or the worst parts of ObamaCare.

--Robert Knight