Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Black Leaders Speak Against Gun Control

Gun laws were originally created to keep black people down, and such laws threaten black families’ ability today to defend themselves and their property, said a group of black leaders who spoke on Capitol Hill recently against President Obama’s gun control plan.

"I believe that it is our duty to stand together and challenge the proposals currently on the table in the Senate, which invoke painful memories of Jim Crow laws and black codes," said Star Parker, founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), which hosted the gathering at the National Press Club on Feb. 22. "Black history is rife with government demands for background checks in order to qualify for constitutional rights.  All Americans should be concerned."

Harry C. Alford, CEO of the Black Chamber of Commerce, began by saying, “I want to thank the Lord for our Constitution. I also want to thank the NRA for its legacy. The National Rifle Association was founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan.”

“Gun control, for black Americans, we know, has been about people control,” said Niger Innis of the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE). “It springs from racist soil,” he said, noting that part of the reason that the Supreme Court in the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision denied the equal humanity of African-Americans was so that their right to bear firearms would not be protected under the Second Amendment.

William Owens, Jr., founder of God, Guns and the Constitution, said that the Obama Administration’s gun control plan is part of an “anti-American” agenda. “When you touch the Second Amendment, you can’t become more anti-American, because America would not be, without her guns. And guns would not be necessary without her God.  … Without God, without guns, and without the Constitution, America’s end will come with haste. For when they change our Constitution, they will take our guns, and they will also seek to take our God. That’s when Americans will fight back.”
To see a video of the press conference, click here. 

1 comment:

  1. Didn't see anything in the media about this very educational press conference. Didn't expect to.
