Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Curing the GOP's Infection

Comedian Bill Cosby apparently has implied that if you don’t support Barack Obama, you’re a racist.  This comes as something of a shock, since Mr. Cosby over his long career generally has avoided making political gaffes.

Nonetheless, it’s instructive to revisit one of his best loved routines – “Tonsils.”

Mr. Cosby relates how the doctor explained the need for surgery when he was a young boy. “Your tonsils guard your throat,” the doc says. “They have hand grenades, bazookas, and anything bad that comes into your mouth they fight it off. In your case, your tonsils have lost the war. As a matter of fact, they’ve gone so far as to join the other side, and they’re going to kill you….”

Watching the Republican Party establishment wage war on the Tea Parties and social conservatives, it feels a lot like Mr. Cosby’s scenario.  If the GOP abandons its commitment to traditional values in pursuit of the ever-transient “youth vote,” it will become the equivalent of infected tonsils. The party will cease to be an effective voice against moral and fiscal collapse, and will help facilitate America’s demise.

More than 100 GOP establishment figures have joined a Supreme Court brief against California’s voter-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. 

The Republicans who signed the brief are infected tonsils. The Tea Parties and other traditionalist Americans already suspect the GOP, as currently constituted, will not effectively resist the Democrats’ relentless leftwing agenda.  By failing to slow down the madness of ObamaCare, gun control, out-of-control spending, unconstitutional appointments, bizarre nominees, unvetted “czars,” and incentives for more illegal immigration, Republican leaders resemble worn-down speed bumps. In some cases, potholes.

Last Thursday, 87 House Republican tonsils, perhaps terrified of “war on women” rhetoric, helped Democrats reauthorize a Senate-expanded Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a piggy bank for the Left.  As Phyllis Schlafly notes, “VAWA has somehow ducked accountability for the nearly a billion dollars a year it doles out to radical feminist organizations.”

Other developments, such as ObamaCare’s abortifacient mandate, are testing whether America will succumb to such extreme political correctness that it will extinguish the right of conscience.  This assault on sanity and liberty could be blunted if the party of Abraham Lincoln found its voice. But too many in the GOP are scared of the media or listening to “conservative” pundits who tell them to be more like Democrats. 

--Robert Knight in The Washington Times, March 4, 2013 

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